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3 quotes found searching on Position: 9th Commissioner of Baseball, 1992-2015

I don't want to get into the whole prison debate.  If you could find us a relief pitcher, that's more important to me at the moment.

When he was the owner of the Milwaukee Brewers, keeping it real at a hearing for a state prison in Milwaukee

Allan Huber "Bud" Selig
none none
9th Commissioner of Baseball, 1992-2015
HOF 2017

Contributed by: Nick Johnson

I remember the feeling I had inside when the Braves left Milwaukee for Atlanta. Franchise stability is very important to me and to the game. I'm happy we've been able to work out a plan so the Expos will remain in Montreal.

Note: The Expos ultimately relocated after the 2004 season to become the Washington Nationals

November, 1999
Allan Huber "Bud" Selig
none none
9th Commissioner of Baseball, 1992-2015
HOF 2017

I was a fan for many years. I ran a club, and one thing I've known, I've been convinced of, is that every fan has to have hope and faith. If you remove hope and faith from the mind of a fan, you destroy the fabric of the sport. It's my job to restore it.

Allan Huber "Bud" Selig
none none
9th Commissioner of Baseball, 1992-2015
HOF 2017

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