Feature Length Quotes and other tidbits
Welcome to the feature length section of the Baseball Quote of the Day site. If you have any suggestions or recommendations let us know. If you happen to have the text of Phil Rizzuto's Hall of Fame induction speech, send it on in.
Lou Gehrig's Farewell Speech Yankee Stadium July 4, 1939
Excerpt from: God's Country and Mine By Jacques Barzun
Casey At The Bat by Ernest L. Thayer
Lee Elia's 1983 Rant
On Hitting A letter from Ted Williams
Take Me Out To The Ball Game by Jack Norworth & Albert von Tilzer
Who's on First by Abbott and Costello
How to Keep Young by Satchel Paige. for Gail
The Green Light Letter by FDR, which allowed major league baseball to continue during World War II. For Lee Gibbs
The Catch by Willie Mays
An Apology by Hideki Irabu
Casey Stengel's 1958 Testimony Senate Anti-Trust and Monopoly Subcommittee Hearings