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1 quote found searching on Location: Indianapolis

He was so good that he'd ask batters where they wanted it, just so they'd have a chance. He'd ask, "You want it high? You want it low? You want it right in the middle? Just say." People still couldn't get a hit against him. So I get up there and he says, "Hey T., how do you like it?" And I said, "It doesn't matter, just don't hurt me." When he wound up -- he had these big old feet -- all you could see was his shoe. I stood there shaking, but I got a hit. Right out over second base. Happiest moment in my life.

Describing her most memorable baseball moment when she batted against Satchel Paige

In 1953
Marcenia Lyle "Toni Stone" Alberga
Indianapolis Clowns
First Woman To Play In The Negro Leagues

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