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746 Persons Found

Henry Louis "Hank" Aaron
Herbert Aaron
Oscar Carlos Acosta
Jackie Delane "Jack" Aker
Marcenia Lyle "Toni Stone" Alberga
Sandy Alderson
Antonio Alfonseca
Richard Anthony "Dick" Allen
Roberto Velazquez Alomar
Santos "Sandy" Alomar, Jr.
Garrabrant Ryerson "Brant" Alyea
Larry Eugene Andersen
Robert Carl "Bob" Anderson
Garret Joseph Anderson
Allan Lee Anderson
George Lee "Sparky" Anderson
Joaquin Andujar
Roger Angell
Lucius Benjamin "Luke" Appling
Don Richard "Richie" Ashburn
Elden LeRoy Auker
W. W. Aulick
Gene Autry
Arthur "Bugs" Baer
Jeffrey Robert "Jeff" Bagwell
Harold Douglass Baines
Johnny B. "Dusty" Baker
Johnnie B. "Dusty" Baker Jr.
Tallulah Bankhead
Ernest "Ernie" Banks
Walter Lanier "Red" Barber
Ed Barrow
Brad Bauder
Don Edward Baylor
William Lamar "Billy" Beane
Gordon Beard
Rodney Roy "Rod" Beck
Mark Henry Belanger
Timothy Wayne "Tim" Belcher
Robert "Bo" Belinsky
James Thomas "Cool Papa" Bell
Johnny Lee Bench
Charles Albert "Chief" Bender
Gene Bennett
Eugene "Gene" Benson
Lindsay Berra
Lawrence Peter "Yogi" Berra
Alphonse Dante Bichette
Craig Alan Biggio
Charles Augustus "Charlie" Biot, Jr.
Joseph Leo Birmingham
Peter C. Bjarkman
Stephen Robert "Steve" Blass
Rik Aalbert "Bert" Blyleven
Humphrey Bogart
Wade Anthony Boggs
John Boles
Barry Lamar Bonds
Bobby Lee Bonds
Bobby Bonds, Jr.
Roberto Martin Antonio "Bobby" Bonilla
Clark Booth
Stanley George "Frenchy" Bordagaray
Ila Jane Borders
Thomas "Tom" Boswell
Louis "Lou" Boudreau
James Alan "Jim" Bouton
Lawrence Robert "Larry" Bowa
Jim Bowden
George Bowering
Cletis Leroy "Clete" Boyer
Kim Braatz-Voisard
Milton Obelle Bradley
Ralph Theodore Joseph Branca
Johnathan Brandmeier
Jimmy Breslin
George Howard Brett
Everett Lamar "Rocky" Bridges
Thomas Jefferson Davis "Tommy" Bridges
Albert Henry "Al" Bridwell
Joe Brinkman
David Bristol
Louis Clark "Lou" Brock
Scott David Brosius
James Patrick "Jim" Brosnan
Mordecai Peter Centennial "Three Fingers" Brown
Warren Brown
Kevin Brown
Brant Michael Brown
William James "Gates" Brown
Willard Jessie Brown
Jack Buck
William Joseph "Bill" Buckner
Jay Campbell Buhner
Selva Lewis "Lew" Burdette
Robert Britt Burns
Steven Lee "Steve" Busby
Guy Terrell Bush
Roy Campanella
Steve Campbell
Kelly Candaele
Casey Todd Candaele
Stephen Cannella
Jimmy Cannon
José Capas Canseco
Joseph D. "Joe" Cantillion
Harry Caray
Rodney Cline "Rod" Carew
Steven Norman "Steve" Carlton
Clay Palmer "Hawk" Carroll
Alexander Joy Cartwright
Gino Caruso
Sean "The Mayor" Casey
Norman Dalton "Norm" Cash
John Castiglia
Vinny Castilla
Oliver Caylor
Orlando Manuel Cepeda
Chris Chambliss
Frank Leroy Chance
Albert Benjamin "Happy" Chandler, Sr.
Raymond Johnson "Ray" Chapman
Hugo Chavez
Jasrado Hermis Arrington "Jazz" Chisholm, Jr.
Larry Richard "L.C." Christenson
Edward Victor "Eddie" Cicotte
Jeff Cirillo
Fred Claire
Al Clark
Fred Clifford Clarke
William John "Billy" Cleary
Roger Clemens
Roberto Clemente
William Jefferson Clinton
David Clyde
Tyrus Raymond "Ty" Cobb
David Raymond "Dave" Coggin
David Bruce "Dave" Cole
Gerald Francis "Jerry" Coleman
Len Coleman
David S Collins
Edward Trowbridge "Eddie" Collins, Sr.
Charles Albert "Charlie" Comiskey
David Ismael Concepcion
David Brian Cone
Michael Thomas Conforto
Anthony Richard "Tony" Conigliaro
Tommy Connelly
Kevin Joseph Aloysius "Chuck" Connors
Dennis Cook
Ria Cortesio
Bob Costas
Robert Joseph "Bobby" Cox
Roger Lee Craig
Samuel Newhall "Sam" Crane
Samuel Earl "Sam" Crawford
Covelli Loyce "Coco" Crisp
Billy Crystal
Richard M. Daley
Johnny David Damon
Alvin Ralph Dark
James Houston "Jim" Davenport
Bob Davidson
George Stacey Davis
Chili Davis
Ronald Gene "Ron" Davis
James Whyte "Too Late" Davis
Ben Davis
Nicholas Dawidoff
Andre Dawson
Jay Hanna "Dizzy" Dean
Michael Dwain "Mike" DeJean
Edward James "Ed" Delahanty
Carlos Juan Delgado
Carlos Delgado
John Rikard "Rick" Dempsey
Ryan Dempster
Don Denkinger
Charlie Devens
William Malcolm "Bill" Dickey
Lawrence Edward "Larry" Dierker
Joseph Paul "Joe" DiMaggio
Gerard Peter "Jerry" Dipoto
Lawrence Eugene "Larry" Doby
Augie Donatelli
Michael Joseph "Turkey Mike" Donlin
Rich Donnelly
Richard Edward "Dick" Donovan
Rick Down
Mike Downey
J. D. Drew
Donald Scott "Don" Drysdale
Joseph Anthony "Joe" Dugan
John Dunn
Adam Troy Dunn
Leo Ernest "The Lip" Durocher
Jermaine Terrell Dye
Jimmy Dykes
Dennis Lee Eckersley
David "Eck" Eckstein
Jim Edmonds
Eddie Einhorn
Albert Einstein
Thelma "Tiby" Eisen
Dwight D. Eisenhower
James Michael Eisenreich
Charles William Eliot
Carl Daniel Erskine
Adriano Espaillat
John Joseph "Johnny" Evers
Ronald Ray "Ron" Fairly
Edward Joseph "Ed" Farmer
Sal Fasano
Robert William Andrew "Bob" Feller
Darren Jeffrey Fenster
Richard Benjamin "Rick" Ferrell
Mark Steven "The Bird" Fidrych
Roland Glen "Rollie" Fingers
Charlie Finley
Charles Edward "Chuck" Finley
Carlton Ernest Fisk
Michael Kendall "Mike" Flanagan
Curtis Charles "Curt" Flood
Timothy John "Tim" Foli
Barry Clifton Foote
Edward Charles "Whitey" Ford
Ray Fosse
Andrew Bishop "Rube" Foster
Robert Francis
Brendan Francis
Terry Jon Francona
William Ashley "Bill" Freehan
Jim Fregosi
James Gottfried "Jim" Frey
Ford Christopher Frick
Robert Bartmess "Bob" Friend
Robert Frost
Hugh S. Fullerton
Alan Mitchell Edward George Patrick Henry "Al" Gallagher
Joseph Henry "Joe" Garagiola
Joe Garagiola Jr.
Nomar Garciaparra
William Frederick "Billy" Gardner
Jerry Gardner
Jon Steven Garland
Kevin Wayne Garner
Ned Franklin Garver
Steven Patrick "Steve" Garvey
Henry Louis "Lou" Gehrig
Angelo Bartlett "Bart" Giamatti
Jason Giambi
Joshua "Josh" Gibson
Kirk Harold Gibson
Robert "Bob" Gibson
Brian Giles
Joe Girardi
Douglas Metunwa "Doug" Glanville
Troy Glaus
William J. "Kid" Gleason
George Gobel
Larry Goetz
Vernon Louis "Lefty" Gomez
Luis Gonzalez
Dwight Eugene "Doc" Gooden
Thomas "Tom" Gordon
Tom Gorman
James Charles "Jim" Gosger
Richard Michael "Rich" Gossage
Curtis Edward "Curt" Gowdy
Mark Eugene Grace
Bud Grant
Henry Benjamin "Hank" Greenberg
Tom Greenwade
Hank Greenwald
Eric Gregg
Ben Grieve
Clark Calvin Griffith
Calvin Robertson "Cal" Griffith
Pedro Guerrero
Oswaldo José "Ozzie" Guillen
Ricky Gutierrez
Anthony Keith "Tony" Gwynn
Jerry Hairston, Jr.
William Anthony "Bill" Hallahan
Zack Hample
Melvyn Leroy Harder
Dudley Michael "Mike" Hargrove
Bryce Aron Max Harper
Colbert Dale "Toby" Harrah
Kenneth Smith "Ken" Harrelson
Stanley Raymond "Bucky" Harris
James A. Hart
Harold Douglas "Doug" Harvey
William Earnest "Ernie" Harwell
Michael Vaughn "Mickey" Hatcher
Gladys Heffernan
Woodson George "Woodie" Held
Solomon Joseph "Solly" Hemus
Rickey Nelson Henry Henderson
Elrod Jerome Hendricks
Keith Hernandez
Orlando "El Duque" Hernandez
Dorrel Norman Elvert "Whitey" Herzog
Tom Hicks
Walter Kirby Higbe
Andy High
Gilbert Raymond "Gil" Hodges
Chester Cornelius "Red" Hoff
Tommy Holmes
Donald Honig
Harry Bartholomew Hooper
Rogers Hornsby
Thomas Ross "Tom" House
Frank Oliver Howard
Art Howe
Waite Charles Hoyt
Alan Thomas "Al" Hrabosky
Robert Calvin "Cal" Hubbard
Carl Owen Hubbell
William A. Hulbert
Ronald Kenneth "Ron" Hunt
James Augustus "Catfish" Hunter
Clinton Merrick "Clint" Hurdle
Raúl Javier Ibañez
Monford Merrill "Monte" Irvin
Will Irwin
Joseph Jefferson "Shoeless Joe" Jackson
Reginald Martinez "Reggie" Jackson
Charles Leo "Chuck" Jackson
George William "Bill" James
Rudy Jaramillo
Jackie Jensen
Derek Sanderson Jeter
Thomas Edward "Tommy" John
Randall David "Randy" Johnson
William Julius "Judy" Johnson
Walter Perry "Big Train" Johnson
Howard Michael "Hojo" Johnson
David Allen "Davey" Johnson
Charles Johnson
John William "Jay" Johnston
Smead Powell Jolley
Cleon Joseph Jones
Randy Jones
David Jefferson "Davy" Jones
Michael Jordan
Joseph Ignatius "Joe" Judge
Ward Just
David Christopher Justice
James Lee "Jim" Kaat
James Kahn
Matthew Dean "Matt" Karchner
Randy Dean Keisler
Michael Joseph "King" Kelly
Tom Kelly
Steven F. "Steve" Kemp
John F. Kennedy
James Lester "Jim" Kern
Ralph McPherran Kiner
Martin Luther King, Jr.
W. P. Kinsella
Ronald Dale "Ron" Kittle
Steve Klaus
William Joseph Klem
Tony Klubertanz
William Christopher "Billy" Koch
Paul Henry Konerko
Sanford "Sandy" Koufax
Mark Kriegel
Raymond Albert "Ray" Kroc
John Martin Kruk
Michael Edward "Mike" Krukow
Joseph Anthony "Joe" Kuhel
Bowie Kent Kuhn
Joseph Michael "Joe" Lahoud, Jr.
Gordon Lakey
Chuck LaMay
Thomas Michael Lampkin
Kenesaw Mountain Landis
Ringgold Wilmer "Ring" Lardner
Don James Larsen
Anthony "Tony" LaRussa
Thomas Charles "Tommy" Lasorda
Charles Richard "Charlie" Lau
Timothy Jon "Tim" Laudner
Michael Eugene "Mike" LaValliere
Vernon Sanders Law
Thomas William "Tommy" Leach
William Francis "Bill" Lee
Fred Leib
Alois Terry "Al" Leiter
Robert Granville "Bob" Lemon
Abe Lemons
Walter Fenner "Buck" Leonard
David Letterman
Jim Leyland
Nick Leyva
Michael Scott Lieberthal
José Lima
Bernie Lincicome
Philip Francis "Phil" Linz
William "Billy" Loes
John "Johnny" Logan
Michael Stephen "Mickey" Lolich
Richard Dale Long
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
David Earl "Davey" Lopes
Alfonso Ramon "Al" Lopez
Jeffrey Loria
Steve Lubratich
Ron Luciano
Adolfo "Dolf" Luque
Albert Walter "Sparky" Lyle
Thomas J. "Tom" Lynch
Edward Francis "Ed" Lynch
Theodore Amar "Ted" Lyons
Lee MacPhail
Gregory Alan "Greg" Maddux
Bill Madlock
Salvatore Anthony "Sal" Maglie
Bernard Malamud
David Julius "Gentleman Dave" Malarcher
Mickey Charles Mantle
Jerry Manuel
Charles Fuqua "Charlie" Manuel
Juan Antonio Marichal
Richard William "Rube" Marquard
Michael Grant "Mike" Marshall
Alfred Manuel "Billy" Martin
Constatino Jaime "Tino" Martinez
Pedro Martinez
Julius Henry "Groucho" Marx
John Robert Marzano
Roger Le Roy Mason
Edwin Lee "Eddie" Mathews
Christopher "Christy" Mathewson
Donald Arthur "Don" Mattingly
Gene William Mauch
Rudolph "Rudy" May
John Claiborn Mayberry
Willie Howard Mays
Leo David Mazzone
Joseph Vincent "Joe" McCarthy
Brandon Patrick McCarthy
James Timothy "Tim" McCarver
Steven Earl McCatty
Maurice Joseph "Mickey" McDermott
Cornelius Alexander "Connie Mack" McGillicuddy
Frank Edwin "Tug" McGraw
John Joseph McGraw
Mark David McGwire
John McHale
Jack McKeon
Dennis Dale "Denny" McLain
Lee McPhail
Brian Wesley McRae
George Francis "Doc" Medich
Joseph Michael "Ducky" Medwick
Brian Meehan
William Edwin "Bill" Melton
Doug Melvin
John Tortes "Chief" Meyers
Jon Wesley Miller
Norman Calvin "Norm" Miller
Raymond Roger "Ray" Miller
Ryan Minor
John Robert "Johnny" Mize
Paul Leo Molitor
Robert James "Rick" Monday
John Joseph "Count" Montefusco, Jr.
Kendrys Morales
Patrick Joseph "Pat" Moran
Joe Leonard Morgan
Manuel Rafael Geronimo "Manny" Mota
Terry Mulholland
Jim Murray
Eddie Clarence Murray
Anthony Joseph "Tony" Muser
Stanley Frank "Stan The Man" Musial
Michael Cole "Mike" Mussina
Dave Myers
Scott Nappi
Ogden Nash
Ray Nemec
Graig Nettles
Donald "Don" Newcombe
David Newhan
Joe Niekro
Richard M. Nixon
James Thomas "Jim" Northrup
Ed Nottle
Louis Alexander "Lou" Novikoff
Walter O'Malley
Bill O'Neal
John Jordan "Buck" O'Neil
Paul Andrew O'Neill
Johnny Lane Oates
John "Blue Moon" Odom
Sadaharu Oh
William McDaniel "Will" Ohman
Daniel Okrent
Sharon Olds
José Manuel Oquendo
Jesse Russell Orosco
Claude Wilson Osteen
Amos Joseph Otis
Melvin Thomas "Mel" Ott
Adam Ottavino
James Philip "Jim" Owens
Daniel Leonard "Danny" Ozark
James Vincent "Jim" Pagliaroni
Thomas Alan "Tom" Pagnozzi
Leroy Robert "Satchel" Paige
James Alvin "Jim" Palmer
Mark Alan Parent
Larry Parrish
Frederick Joseph Patek
Herbert Perry
Gaylord Jackson Perry
John Michael "Johnny" Pesky
Ron Peters
Rick Peterson
Andrew Eugene Pettitte
Charles A. Peverelly
Keith Anthony "Tony" Phillips
Michael Joseph "Mike" Piazza
James Anthony "Jimmy" Piersall
Anthony John "A.J." Pierzynski
Louis Victor "Lou" Piniella
Vada Edward Pinson
Christopher Francis "Chris" Pittaro
John Sigmund "Specs" Podgajny
Ronald George "Ron" Polk
Jorge Posada
Pam Postema
Todd Pratt
Laurel Prieb
Kirby Puckett
Paul John Quantrill
Daniel Raymond "Dan" Quisenberry
Charles Gardner "Old Hoss" Radbourn
Theodore Roosevelt "Ted" Radcliffe
Timothy "Tim" Raines
Arthur Lawrence "Bugs" Raymond
Ronald W. Reagan
Rick Reed
Jimmie Reese
Harold Henry "Pee Wee" Reese
Harold Patrick "Pete" Reiser
Kenneth John "Ken" Reitz
Mervin Weldon "Merv" Rettenmund
Harold Craig Reynolds
Grantland Rice
Bob Rich, Jr.
Paul Rapier Richards
Peter Richmond
Wesley Branch Rickey
William Joseph Rigney
Calvin Edwin "Cal" Ripken, Jr.
Calvin Edwin "Cal" Ripken, Sr.
Mariano Rivera
John Milton "Mickey" Rivers
Philip Francis "Scooter" Rizzuto
Robin Evan Roberts
Brian Michael Roberts
David Arthur Roberts
Brooks Calbert Robinson
Jack Roosevelt "Jackie" Robinson
William Henry "Bill" Robinson
John Loy Rocker
Elwin Charles "Preacher" Roe
Kenneth Scott "Kenny (the Gambler)" Rogers
Scott Bruce Rolen
Charles Henry "Charley" Root
Peter Edward "Pete" Rose
Karolyn Rose
Steve Rosenbloom
Ken Rosenthal
Lawrence Lee "Larry" Rothschild
Edd J. Roush
Joseph Oden "Joe" Rudi
Damon Runyon
Jake Ruppert
Neil Oliver "Bing" Russell
George Herman "Babe" Ruth
Lynn Nolan "Nolan" Ryan
John Franklin "Johnny" Sain
Tim Salmon
H. G. Salsinger
Jeffrey Alan "Jeff" Samardzija
Deion Luwynn "Prime Time" Sanders
Manuel de Jesus (Magan) "Manny" Sanguillen
Ronald Edward "Ron" Santo
Hank Sauer
Stephen Louis "Steve" Sax
Ray William Schalk
Richard Alan Scheinblum
Curtis Montague "Curt" Schilling
Michael Jack "Mike" Schmidt
Stephen C. "Steve" Schott
Marty Scott
Aaron Sele
Allan Huber "Bud" Selig
Luke Sewell
Richie Sexson
George Bernard Shaw
Wilfrid Sheed
Gary Sheffield
Ken Shepard
Mike Shildt
Robert Earl "Bob" Short
Paul Shuey
Aloysius Harry "Al" Simmons
Curtis Thomas "Curt" Simmons
Doug Simunic
Michael Robert "Mike" Sirotka
Bill "Moose" Skowron
Enos Bradsher "Country" Slaughter
Michael Anthony Smith
Osborne Earl "Ozzie" Smith
Walter Wellesley "Red" Smith
Edward Mayo Smith
Lee Arthur Smith, Jr.
John Andrew Smoltz
Charles Somers
Max Soriano
Alfonso Guilleard Soriano
Samuel Peralta "Sammy" Sosa
Warren Edward Spahn
Albert Goodwill "Al" Spalding
Scott Spiezio
Al Spink
C. P. Stack
Burt L. Standish
Edward Raymond "Eddie" Stanky
Mike Stanley
Mitchell Jack "Mickey" Stanley
Mike Stanton
Wilver Dornel "Willie" Stargell
George Michael Steinbrenner III
Henry George "Hank" Steinbrenner III
Charles Dillon "Casey" Stengel
John Sterling
David Stewart
Dave Stewart
Darryl Strawberry
Richard Lee "Dick" Stuart
Robert Howard "Bobby" Sturgeon
Clyde Leroy "Sukey" Sukeforth
Paul Sullivan
Frank Sullivan
B. J. Surhoff
Donald Howard "Don" Sutton
Frederick Lealand "Fred" Talbot
Charles William "Chuck" Tanner
Tony Tavares
James "Candy Jim" Taylor
George "Birdie" Tebbetts
Mark Charles Teixeira
Robert Alan Tewksbury
Ryan Stewart Theriot
Frank Edward Thomas
James Gorman "Gorman" Thomas
James Howard "Jim" Thome
Jeffrey Allen "Jeff" Torborg
Joseph Paul "Joe" Torre
Alan Stuart Trammel
Thomas Lynn "Tom" Trebelhorn
Tom Tresh
Jesus Manuel Marcano "Manny" Trillo
Virgil Oliver Trucks
Sayaka Tsushima
Ted Turner
Peter Victor Ueberroth
Robert George "Bob" Uecker
Robert John "Bobby" Valentine
Andrew James "Andy" Van Slyke
Johnny Vander Meer
Mo Vaughn
Greg Vaughn
Robert Andrew "Bob" Veale
William Louis "Bill" Veeck
Robin Ventura
Robert Verdi
Bob Verdi
James Barton "Mickey" Vernon
Hector Villanueva
Fay Vincent
Francis Thomas "Fay" Vincent, Jr.
José Vizcaino
Christian Friedrich Wilhelm "Chris" von der Ahe
George Edward "Rube" Waddell
John Peter "Honus" Wagner
Gregory Lee "Greg" Walker
Larry Walker
Eric Walker
Edward Augustine "Big Ed" Walsh
Paul Glee Waner
Ronald "Ron" Washington
Earl Sidney Weaver
George Daniel "Buck" Weaver
Bill Weir
Michael Francis "Mickey" Welch
David Lee Wells
Turk Wendell
Harry Wendelstedt
William Murray "Billy" Werber
Victor Woodrow "Vic" Wertz
Wesley Noreen "Wes" Westrum
William DeKova "Bill" White
Gabe White
Frank White
Walt Whitman
Walt Whitman
Christopher Jon "Chris" Widger
George Will
Matthew Derrick "Matt" Williams
Mitchell Steven "Wild Thing" Williams
Stanley Wilson Williams
Woody Williams
Kenneth Royal "Kenny" Williams
Pat Williams
James Francis "Jimy" Williams
Theodore Samuel "Ted" Williams
Richard Allen "Rick" Williams
Ken Williams
Billy Leo Williams
Joseph "Joe" Williams
Scott Williamson
Willie James Wilson
Earl Wilson
Robert Andrew "Bobby" Witt
Howard Ellsworth "Smoky Joe" Wood
Eugene Richard "Gene" Woodling
Early Wynn
Jimmy Wynn
Carl Michael Yastrzemski
José Yepa
Preston Rudolph "Rudy" York
Masato Yoshii
Edward Frederick "Eddie" Yost
Denton True "Cy" Young
Kevin Stacey Young
Carlos Zambrano
Donald William Zimmer
Alan Zinter

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