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2 quotes found searching on Scott Bruce Rolen

Different people, different backgrounds, different ideals... We walk in different doors at the beginning of the day, and we walk out of different doors at the end of the day. But when it is time to go out on that field, we all go through the same door.

Scott Bruce Rolen
Philadelphia Phillies

When you're in your first and second year, it's not that you don't want to win. But you're a rookie. If you lose a ballgame, you're in the major leagues. You're living a dream, living a life you always wanted to live. It's very overwhelming at times, and you're just happy to be here. When you've been through that for three or four years, it's not that you take things for granted, but you understand this is part of your life. It's not all of your life, but it's part of it, and that's what you have to deal with. You begin to understand the importance of the game and the importance of winning. You begin to understand what it takes to win when you're at the ballpark and the importance of letting it go when you leave.

Scott Bruce Rolen
Philadelphia Phillies

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