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7 quotes found searching on James Alan "Jim" Bouton

The older they get, the better they were when they were younger.

On Old Timers Days
Editors note: Jim Bouton was invited to return to Yankee Stadium on July 26, 1998 for his first Old Timers Game after a 30 year absence. Good game too!

James Alan "Jim" Bouton
New York Yankees
Ball Four by Jim Bouton

A lot of long relievers are ashamed to tell their parents what they do. The only nice thing about it is that you get to wear a uniform like everbody else.

James Alan "Jim" Bouton
New York Yankees

You spend a good piece of your life gripping a baseball, and in the end it turns out that it was the other way around all the time.

James Alan "Jim" Bouton
New York Yankees

Baseball players are smarter than football players. How often do you see a baseball team penalized for too many men on the field?

James Alan "Jim" Bouton
New York Yankees

We were like farm animals compared to today's players who are treated like thoroughbreds.

Reflecting on playing through injuries during the 1960's

In the late 1990's

James Alan "Jim" Bouton
New York Yankees

After I won 21 games, I said, "This isn't that hard actually. I can do this every year for maybe 10, 15 years." To tell you the truth I thought I was going to be in the Hall of Fame. I really thought that. You feel so strong, so powerful walking down the street. You know you can throw a ball harder than any man in the world, or certainly the top five. Sandy Koufax knocked all of us out of the box on that one, so we would think, "I'm the second or third hardest thrower in the game."

James Alan "Jim" Bouton
New York Yankees

I don't want you to think that I didn't enjoy being a sportscaster. On the contrary, when I wasn't being fired, I was having a wonderful time.

Discussing one of his occupations after his playing days

James Alan "Jim" Bouton
New York Yankees

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