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7 quotes found searching on Daniel Raymond "Dan" Quisenberry

Natural grass is a wonderful thing for little bugs and sinkerball pitchers.

Daniel Raymond "Dan" Quisenberry
Kansas City Royals
a.k.a. "Quiz", "Q"

The batter still hits a grounder. But in this case the first bounce is 360 feet away.

On what happens when his sinker isn't working

Daniel Raymond "Dan" Quisenberry
Kansas City Royals
a.k.a. "Quiz", "Q"

Most pitchers fear losing their fastball and, since I don't have one, the only thing I have to fear is fear itself.

Daniel Raymond "Dan" Quisenberry
Kansas City Royals
a.k.a. "Quiz", "Q"

It's funny. The bullpen is a closed environment, but I get a sense of freedom there that I don't get in the dugout or clubhouse. I guess I just like being locked in a closet, taking verbal abuse from a lot of hostile people.

Daniel Raymond "Dan" Quisenberry
Kansas City Royals
a.k.a. "Quiz", "Q"

No, actually I want to give it away. If the hitters know it's coming, I'm hoping they'll change the swings that got them to the big leagues.

When asked if he tried to disguise his knuckleball

Daniel Raymond "Dan" Quisenberry
Kansas City Royals
a.k.a. "Quiz", "Q"

We used to make out that's a submarine. We'd make those pinging sounds, and if a ball came near us it was a depth charge, and we'd fire our torpedoes. If the ball bounced off the little screen, that was a direct hit, and we'd panic and then ask for damage reports.

Speaking about old Tiger Stadium's unusual bullpen configuration in which they were sunk below ground level in foul territory with a little screen above them to protect the occupants' heads from foul balls

July 1985
Daniel Raymond "Dan" Quisenberry
Kansas City Royals
a.k.a. "Quiz", "Q"

Our backs are to the wall. The Berlin Wall. East Side. But they say Berlin is nice this time of year. Maybe it's time for a great escape.

After the Royals went two down against Detroit in the 1984 playoffs

Daniel Raymond "Dan" Quisenberry
Kansas City Royals
a.k.a. "Quiz", "Q"

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