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5 quotes found searching on James Augustus "Catfish" Hunter

He'd give you the shirt off his back. Of course he'd call a press conference to announce it.

On Reggie Jackson

James Augustus "Catfish" Hunter
New York Yankees
HOF 1987

On the day I was signed, Mr. Finley, the owner of the Athletics at that time came up to me and said, 'When you were six you ran away from home, and when your parents found you at a nearby lake, you had already caught two catfish and were pulling in a third.  Now repeat it back to me.'

On how he got his nickname

James Augustus "Catfish" Hunter
New York Yankees
HOF 1987

Contributed by: Nick Johnson

They don't know who I was or that I played baseball.

When asked if he has ever been thanked by all the multimillionaire ballplayers he spawned by his free agency trailblazing

James Augustus "Catfish" Hunter
New York Yankees
HOF 1987

This 20th win means more to me than the perfect game in 1968.

In 1971

James Augustus "Catfish" Hunter
New York Yankees
HOF 1987

The sun don't shine on the same dog's ass all the time.

During postgame questions after giving up four home runs and losing 6-1

James Augustus "Catfish" Hunter
New York Yankees
HOF 1987

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