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5 quotes found searching on Calvin Edwin "Cal" Ripken, Jr.

Early in my career, I decided I never wanted to get out of shape.

Calvin Edwin "Cal" Ripken, Jr.
Baltimore Orioles
HOF 2007

Stubbornness is usually considered a negative, but I think that trait has been a positive for me.

Calvin Edwin "Cal" Ripken, Jr.
Baltimore Orioles
HOF 2007

I'd like to be remembered. I'd like to think that someday two guys will be talking in a bar and one of them will say something like, "Yeah, he's a good shortstop, but he's not as good as old Ripken was."

In 1983, only 280 games into "The Streak"

Calvin Edwin "Cal" Ripken, Jr.
Baltimore Orioles
HOF 2007

So many good things have happened to me in the game of baseball. When I do allow myself a chance to think about it, it's almost like a storybook career. You feel so blessed to have been able to compete this long.

Upon concluding his inexorable march towards 3000 hits

April 15, 2000
Calvin Edwin "Cal" Ripken, Jr.
Baltimore Orioles
HOF 2007

I haven't given it (achieving 3000 hits) much thought. I was taught a certain approach, how to come to the ballpark. I try not to do too much thinking about things like that. In this society we measure success in different ways. Three thousand (hits) represents success over a career, not a season. It'll be nice to get to that point.

Calvin Edwin "Cal" Ripken, Jr.
Baltimore Orioles
HOF 2007

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