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4 quotes found searching on Carl Michael Yastrzemski

I think about baseball when I wake up in the morning. I think about it all day. And I dream about it at night. The only time I don't think about it is when I'm playing it.

Carl Michael Yastrzemski
Boston Red Sox
HOF 1989; a.k.a., "Yaz"

When they knock you down, you not only have to get up, but you have to make it clear that you won't be knocked down a second time.

Carl Michael Yastrzemski
Boston Red Sox
HOF 1989; a.k.a., "Yaz"

Contributed by: Jonathan Chapman

In box with left leg and all weight on it. Nothing on the front leg. WAIT. Stay back. Relax.

A note pinned up in Yaz's locker as noticed by a reporter a few days before he retired -- after almost 12,000 at-bats, Yaz still reminding himself how to hit

Carl Michael Yastrzemski
Boston Red Sox
HOF 1989; a.k.a., "Yaz"

I loved the game. I loved the competition, but I never enjoyed it. It was all hard work, all the time. I let the game dominate me. It even got harder as I got older, because I had more to prove.

In 1983, late in his 23rd and final summer as a MLB player

Carl Michael Yastrzemski
Boston Red Sox
HOF 1989; a.k.a., "Yaz"

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