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3 quotes found searching on Jeffrey Robert "Jeff" Bagwell

I'm not going to lie to you. I'm frustrated. I didn't want to suck again.

On his performance late in the 1999 season

Jeffrey Robert "Jeff" Bagwell
Houston Astros
HOF 2017

He must salivate every time we come in. He'll probably send a limo every time we're in town.

On Pirates pitcher Francisco Cordova and his string of low-hit victories against Houston

Jeffrey Robert "Jeff" Bagwell
Houston Astros
HOF 2017

After all these years, I don't aspire to be anybody but who I've always been. If there are young guys looking at me now, I just want them to see a guy who works hard, who has great respect for the game, who has team goals that matter. And you hope that's enough.

With the 2001 season getting underway

Jeffrey Robert "Jeff" Bagwell
Houston Astros
HOF 2017

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