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5 quotes found searching on Willie Howard Mays

Every time I look at my pocketbook, I see Jackie Robinson.

Willie Howard Mays
San Francisco Giants
HOF 1979; a.k.a. "Say Hey Kid"

Contributed by: Robert Ford

They throw the ball, I hit it; they hit the ball, I catch it.

Willie Howard Mays
San Francisco Giants
HOF 1979; a.k.a. "Say Hey Kid"

Contributed by: Robert Ford

Baseball is a game, yes. It is also a business. But what it most truly is is disguised combat. For all its gentility, its almost leisurely pace, baseball is violence under wraps.

Willie Howard Mays
San Francisco Giants
HOF 1979; a.k.a. "Say Hey Kid"

I can't tell you about moments because I wasn't into that. I just played every day and enjoyed what I was doing. When I made a great catch it was just routine. I didn't worry about it. Winning was important. Winning.

Putting it all into perspective

Willie Howard Mays
San Francisco Giants
HOF 1979; a.k.a. "Say Hey Kid"

As for there being anything difficult about the catch, though, the answer is there wasn't. Any ball you go a long way for is exciting to the fans in the stands, because they're not looking at you when you get your jump on it -- they're looking at the hitter. But I'd gotten the good jump, and I had running room, and the ball stayed up for me. I didn't have to pick it off the grass, I didn't have to avoid another fielder, I didn't have to crash the wall, I didn't have to jump in the air, I didn't have to gauge the wind -- there was none -- or some eccentric thing the ball itself did -- it didn't rise, fall, curve, swerve, or bend too much. I doubt there's a day goes by in the big leagues but some outfielder doesn't make a more difficult play than I did on that Wertz ball.

Reflecting on "The Catch" when he fielded the fly ball to center field hit by Vic Wertz in Game 1 of the 1954 World Series

Willie Howard Mays
San Francisco Giants
HOF 1979; a.k.a. "Say Hey Kid"

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