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3 quotes found searching on Pedro Martinez

It's a combination of both God-given ability and also hard work. I worked my butt off. You would never imagine the things I do, the things I used to do. In the Dominican, I used to run at 10:30 at night in the dark. I wasn't allowed to run in the day. The coach said, 'You are too skinny to run. You need to build on weight.' So I ran in the dark field and there was a guard with a shotgun. I had to give him 20 bucks to let me run and be aware that I was there and not an intruder. Otherwise, in the dark of night you see somebody running and you shoot.

On what he feels enables him to throw at nearly 100 mph even though he only weighs 174 lbs.

Pedro Martinez
Boston Red Sox

If you give me another chance, I'd like to be like Nomar (Garciaparra), a shortstop, and hit 30 homers every year instead of pitching. Pitching isn't easy.

Pedro Martinez
Boston Red Sox

What can I say? I just tip my hat and call the Yankees my daddy.

Pedro Martinez
Boston Red Sox

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