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2 quotes found searching on Eugene Richard "Gene" Woodling

You know, Mantle had the greatest ability of any guy who ever came to the big leagues in my time (1943-1962). He didn't have to apply himself. He didn't realize how good he was...If he'd have been a little more on determination, like DiMaggio. DiMaggio was a very determined guy, you know. Mantle could have set unbelievable records. He only used about three-quarters of his talent.

Eugene Richard "Gene" Woodling
New York Yankees

In our day with the Yankees, you never used the words, 'Nice hustle.' That was an insult. You're supposed to run hard all the time. And we did. So you didn't say that to one of our ballplayers. That was an insult. We played hard, and that's the reason we won.

On the five-in-a-row World Championship Yankees teams of the early 1950's

Eugene Richard "Gene" Woodling
New York Yankees

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