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2 quotes found searching on Nomar Garciaparra

I truly believe that baseball is such a repetitive game. You play this game every day and people ask me how you get better at it. Well, you take a lot of ground balls and you take a lot of swings, over and over and over. Repetitious. I truly believe that I get into the routine because I expect to perform well every day. I'm going up against the best every day. There's no room to slack off. People expect you to play your best, so I go through a routine to prepare myself so that I know I'm physically and mentally ready -- prepared for the game. Where I can say to myself, "OK, I'm ready."

Nomar Garciaparra
Boston Red Sox

Numbers are irrelevant to me. They don't mean anything. I never liked them. I don't need a stat to tell me if I had a good game.

After reaching a .400 batting average in mid-July during the 2000 season (Garciaparra finished the season with a .372 average to lead the league)

Nomar Garciaparra
Boston Red Sox

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