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2 quotes found searching on Santos "Sandy" Alomar, Jr.

We're a hard team to figure out. One day we look like the 1995 Indians. The next day we look more like the 1991 Indians. I just hope we have more days left in this season where we're the 1995 Indians.

Comparing his 2000 wild card contending team with the 1995 100-game-winning AL Champions and the earlier team that lost a franchise-record 105 games

Santos "Sandy" Alomar, Jr.
Cleveland Indians

You have to play with pride -- for the game and for yourself. You have to go out and give a major-league effort. If you're 0-for-3 but make a major-league effort, you can go home and say, 'I gave it what I had.'

Santos "Sandy" Alomar, Jr.
Cleveland Indians

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