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4 quotes found searching on Denton True "Cy" Young

Having learned accuracy in the delivery of the ball, the next thing is to master the curves. Some may have thought it was essential to know how to curve a ball before anything else. Experience, to my mind, teaches to the contrary. Any young player who has good control will become a successful curve pitcher long before the pitcher who is endeavoring to master both curves and control at the same time. The curve is merely an accessory to control. Witness how many good pitchers there were before the curved ball was heard of and how many there are now who employ straight balls as much as curves in their work.

In 1912

Denton True "Cy" Young
Boston Red Sox
HOF 1937 ("Cy" = short for "Cyclone")

Control is what kept me in the big leagues for twenty-two years.

Denton True "Cy" Young
Boston Red Sox
HOF 1937 ("Cy" = short for "Cyclone")

A man who is not willing to work from dewy morn until weary eve should not think about becoming a pitcher.

In 1908

Denton True "Cy" Young
Boston Red Sox
HOF 1937 ("Cy" = short for "Cyclone")

My favorite pitch was a whistler right under the chin.

Denton True "Cy" Young
Boston Red Sox
HOF 1937 ("Cy" = short for "Cyclone")

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