2 quotes found searching on Walter Lanier "Red" Barber If I did do anything constructive in the Robinson situation it was simply in accepting him the way I did -- as a man, as a ballplayer: I didn't resent him, and I didn't crusade for him. I broadcast the ball."Walter Lanier "Red" Barber Anything new has to establish itself and gain its own credentials. When radio came along and began to broadcast some baseball games, some of the entrenched conservative owners said, "Wait a minute. Why give away something that you're trying to sell for your living, to try and keep your enterprise afloat?" And especially on days of threatening weather when people would say, "Well, it looks like it may rain. I'll just listen to the radio. I won't go." They did not realize at the time the beneficial effect of radio, that it would be making families of fans. And so it got so bad that after the season of 1933, baseball considered banning all radio play-by-play. And then they compromised and said, "Well, we'll leave it up to individual teams." And the Yankees, Giants and Dodgers then in New York went into a five-year anti-radio ban and would allow no broadcast of any of their home games, not even a Western Union re-creation. (Owner Larry) MacPhail broke that with his broadcasting in Brooklyn in '39 and from that time on, there's been no question. Radio, television, more fans, more money.Walter Lanier "Red" Barber Search for quotes here! You can put in multiple words, or if you want to search on a particular phrase, "wrap it in quotes". |
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