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1 quote found searching on Thomas J. "Tom" Lynch

The groundskeeper kept two large dogs chained to the clubhouse in deep center field. I think they were mastiffs; anyway, when they stood on their hind legs they were much taller than a man. Washington invariably had poor ball clubs, but in no city were the fans harder on umpires. On this occasion I had to call several decisions against Washington. At the end of the game there was a prolonged hiss. Someone then unleashed the big dogs in center field, and with canine intelligence they understood I was the object of the hisses. They came tearing across the field and leaped at my throat. It was the toughest spot I ever was in, and I don't know what might have happened if some friendly players hadn't driven off the big beasts with their bats.

Describing an incident in a game he worked in Washington in the mid-1890's

Thomas J. "Tom" Lynch
none none
NL Umpire 1888-1902, NL Pres. 1910-13

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