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1 quote found searching on Brian Michael Roberts

In frustration [after a strikeout], I whacked myself on the head with my bat in the ninth. I had my helmet on. It's something I've done a million times, but I still can't tell you for sure if that was it. But that's the only thing that I can point to because that night and the next morning, I just didn't feel good. So it's been going on since then. I just have some lack of balance and some headaches, and just stuff that hasn't been a whole lot of fun. It's a lesson to myself, a lesson to the kids to not do that, no matter how frustrated you are.

After missing the last six games of the season for concussion-like symptoms after hitting himself in the helmet with a bat (Roberts had already missed most of the 2010 season due to injuries)

Brian Michael Roberts
Baltimore Orioles

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