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1 quote found searching on W. P. Kinsella

I think baseball is conducive to fiction writing because of its open-endedness. The other sports, football, basketball, hockey, are twice-enclosed; first by time limits and then by rigid playing boundaries. In contrast, there's no time limit on a baseball game, and the true baseball field has foul lines which diverge forever, eventually taking in a good part of the universe; and that makes for myth and larger-than-life characters, and that's what a fiction writer is looking for. That's my canned answer that I give whenever somebody asks me why so many writers write about baseball. I don't think I ever do an interview that I don't get to make that little spiel.

The author of the book "Shoeless Joe," which was developed into the screenplay for the movie "Field Of Dreams," discussing his writing

W. P. Kinsella
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Baseball Writer and Author

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