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32 quotes found searching on Charles Dillon "Casey" Stengel

Yeah, but the last time you faced him was this same inning.

When managing the Mets and pitcher Tug McGraw wanted to be left in the game after saying that he wasn't tired and that he'd struck out the batter he was about to face in his preceding at-bat

Charles Dillon "Casey" Stengel
New York Yankees
HOF 1966

Never let a pitcher who lost a tough game that afternoon be your driver that night. The fellow gets beaten 2 to 1 or 1 to 0. Maybe somebody booted one and cost him the ball game. Maybe the umpire missed a strike on him, or maybe somebody popped up with a chance to win the game. The pitcher gets behind that wheel and he gets brooding over what happened that afternoon. Life doesn't mean anything to him, his or the lives of the guys riding with him. He takes curves at fifty miles an hour and tries to run trucks off the road. What does he care? He just lost a tough ball game.

Recalling life in the minor leagues when driving to another town during the evening was often how groups of team members got to their game the next day

Charles Dillon "Casey" Stengel
New York Yankees
HOF 1966

"Baseball For Everyone" by Joe DiMaggio (1948)

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