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215 quotes found searching on Position: Manager

There comes a time in every young man's life, and I've had plenty of them.

Charles Dillon "Casey" Stengel
New York Yankees
HOF 1966

This boy throws so fast you can't see 'em, and he knows where he is throwing, because if he didn't, there would be dead bodies all over Idaho.

On Walter Johnson before he joined the Washington Senators

Note: There is currently some debate on the attribution of this quote. Joe "Mickie" Shea, pitcher - second baseman in the California league, is perhaps the originator.

Joseph D. "Joe" Cantillion
Washington Senators

The Yankees don't pay me to win every day, just two out of three.

Charles Dillon "Casey" Stengel
New York Yankees
HOF 1966

I knew we were in for a long season when we lined up for the national anthem on opening day and one of my players said 'Every time I hear that song I have a bad game'

Jim Leyland
Pittsburgh Pirates

Any minute, any day, some players may break a long standing record. That's one of the fascinations about the game...the unexpected surprises.

Cornelius Alexander "Connie Mack" McGillicuddy
Philadelphia Athletics
HOF 1937

No matter what I talk about, I always get back to baseball

Cornelius Alexander "Connie Mack" McGillicuddy
Philadelphia Athletics
HOF 1937

His limitations are limitless

On infielder Mike Andrews

Daniel Leonard "Danny" Ozark
Philadelphia Phillies

For five years in the minor leagues, I wore the same underwear and still hit .250, so no, I don't believe in that stuff.

On stuperstitions

Johnnie B. "Dusty" Baker Jr.
Anaheim Angels
Bergen Record - 5/27/97 - S4

If I were playing third base and my mother were rounding third with the run that was going to beat us, I'd trip her. Oh, I'd pick her up and brush her off and say, 'Sorry, Mom,' but nobody beats me.

Leo Ernest "The Lip" Durocher
Brooklyn Dodgers
HOF 1994

Curve balls in the dirt.

Advice on how to pitch to Babe Ruth

John Joseph McGraw
New York Giants
HOF 1937

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