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9 quotes found searching on John Martin Kruk

We're 24 morons and a Mormon.

Describing the Phillies when Dale Murphy joined the team.

John Martin Kruk
Philadelphia Phillies

It's amazing that fans want to see me play. It's kind of scary. I guess that's what is wrong with our society.

On being chosen an All-Star starter in '93

John Martin Kruk
Philadelphia Phillies

I'd rather have my leg cut-off than do that all day. You just hope it hits your bat in a good spot.

On hitting a knuckleball.

John Martin Kruk
Philadelphia Phillies

I try to dumb down out there. They tell you to stay within yourself, so that's what I do. Mentally, I'm not gonna out-think myself to often.

On hitting.

John Martin Kruk
Philadelphia Phillies

I'd rather be in a prison cell with Mike Tyson, and let him beat my butt all day long, than go through that again.

On the last place '92 season

John Martin Kruk
Philadelphia Phillies
Contributed by: A Baseball Fan

I wanted to kill Mitch. But they told me I couldn't, it was illegal.

On Mitch Williams, after the Phillies closer blew a save and the game stretched on for 6 hours.

John Martin Kruk
Philadelphia Phillies
Contributed by: A Baseball Fan

I would think I drive most hitting coaches crazy. During one single at-bat I used six different stances on six pitches. Oh yeah, I also struck out. So what do I know?

John Martin Kruk
Philadelphia Phillies
Contributed by: A baseball fan

I'm not an athlete. I'm a professional baseball player.

John Martin Kruk
Philadelphia Phillies
Contributed by: A baseball fan

It's the first letter I ever got from Bill White that wasn't asking me to pay a fine. It's the first one that doesn't start out, `Please make check payable to...'

On receiving a letter from the National League president for making the All-Star team.

John Martin Kruk
Philadelphia Phillies
Contributed by: A baseball fan

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