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10 quotes found searching on Reginald Martinez "Reggie" Jackson

Fans don't boo nobodies.

Reginald Martinez "Reggie" Jackson
Oakland Athletics
HOF 1993; a.k.a. "Mr. October"

Ryan is the only guy who puts fear in me. Not because he can get you out but because he can kill you.

On Nolan Ryan

Reginald Martinez "Reggie" Jackson
Oakland Athletics
HOF 1993; a.k.a. "Mr. October"

You just hope to mix in a walk so you could have a good night and go 0-for-3.

On Nolan Ryan

Reginald Martinez "Reggie" Jackson
Oakland Athletics
HOF 1993; a.k.a. "Mr. October"

The only way I'm going to get a Gold Glove is with a can of spray paint.

Reginald Martinez "Reggie" Jackson
Oakland Athletics
HOF 1993; a.k.a. "Mr. October"

I would probably hit .240 with about 18 home runs. I'm 53 years old, brother.

During the 1999 season, when asked what kind of numbers he'd produce in today's game

Reginald Martinez "Reggie" Jackson
Oakland Athletics
HOF 1993; a.k.a. "Mr. October"

Every hitter likes fastballs, just like everyone likes ice cream. But you don't like it when it's being shoved down you by the gallon.

On Nolan Ryan

Reginald Martinez "Reggie" Jackson
Oakland Athletics
HOF 1993; a.k.a. "Mr. October"

Blind people come to the park just to hear him pitch.

Speaking about Tom Seaver

Reginald Martinez "Reggie" Jackson
Oakland Athletics
HOF 1993; a.k.a. "Mr. October"

Once you realize how good you really are, you never settle for playing less than your best.

Reginald Martinez "Reggie" Jackson
Oakland Athletics
HOF 1993; a.k.a. "Mr. October"

Contributed by: Gahart

The two of them deserve each other. One’s a born liar; the other’s convicted.

On Yankees owner George Steinbrenner and manager Billy Martin

Reginald Martinez "Reggie" Jackson
Oakland Athletics
HOF 1993; a.k.a. "Mr. October"

It was an insurance run, so I hit it to the Prudential building.

Modestly describing a home run he hit at Boston's Fenway Park

Reginald Martinez "Reggie" Jackson
Oakland Athletics
HOF 1993; a.k.a. "Mr. October"

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