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4 quotes found searching on James Thomas "Cool Papa" Bell

They say I was born too soon. I say the doors were opened too late.

James Thomas "Cool Papa" Bell
Homestead Grays
HOF 1974

I remember one game I got five hits and stole five bases, but none of it was written down because they forgot to bring the scorebook to the game that day.

James Thomas "Cool Papa" Bell
Homestead Grays
HOF 1974

Because of baseball, I smelled the rose of life.

James Thomas "Cool Papa" Bell
Homestead Grays
HOF 1974

If they don't put Turkey Stearnes in the Hall of Fame, they shouldn't put anybody in.

On Norman Thomas "Turkey" Stearnes, centerfielder for the Detroit Stars of the Negro National League (Stearnes was eventually inducted into the HOF in 2000)

James Thomas "Cool Papa" Bell
Homestead Grays
HOF 1974

Contributed by: Jonathan Chapman

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