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5 quotes found searching on David Lee Wells

This is kind of special to me. I wish my mom could have seen it. I thought about her after the last out was made.

On pitching the 13th perfect game in major league history.

David Lee Wells
New York Yankees

I have nothing tonight. Be ready to come in.

To pitcher Casey Gaynor of the Little League World Champion Toms River team, during the national anthem. Wells went on to pitch a 2 hitter, coming within 7 batters of a perfect game.

David Lee Wells
New York Yankees

The shutout doesn't matter. It's the 'W'. You want to have the 'W' instead of the 'L'.

Following Game 1 of the 1998 ALCS in which Wells had a shutout going into the ninth when he gave up a two-run homer with one out (Yankees beat Indians 7-2).

David Lee Wells
New York Yankees

That was the best two years of my life, in that city, that stadium. That's just kind of hard to take when you're not there anymore.

On being traded to the Blue Jays by the Yankees.

David Lee Wells
New York Yankees

Go get it.

While a member of the Blue Jays, to manager Cito Gaston when he came out to the mound to put in a relief pitcher and asked for the ball -- Wells did not want to be replaced and fired the ball into the outfield before storming back to the dugout

David Lee Wells
New York Yankees

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