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15 quotes found searching on Team: Twins

Baseball doesn't owe me a thing. I owe my whole life to baseball.

Kirby Puckett
Minnesota Twins
HOF 2001

One run, two runs; you call that a lead?

Regarding his tendency to give up leads during his 287-win career

Rik Aalbert "Bert" Blyleven
Minnesota Twins
HOF 2011

Losing streaks are funny. If you lose at the beginning, you are off to a bad start. If you lose in the middle of the season, you are in a slump. If you lose at the end, you're choking.

Gene William Mauch
Minnesota Twins
Contributed by: S Featherston

I sometimes have to file my nails between innings.

After his 1987 suspension for being caught on the mound with a nail file

Joe Niekro
Minnesota Twins

He had the ability to do things in a game that ninety-five percent of the people in the big leagues could not do in practice because they didn't have the physical ability. There aren't many plays I remember from fifteen years ago but I remember some of Billy's. We were in Albuquerque in '87 (in Triple-A ball) and Billy made this play in right field. He had to run up and down over the bullpen mound to make a catch, and then throw a tagging runner out at the plate. I remember being astonished -- first of all, that he even got to the ball. Second, that he ran up and down a pitcher's mound at full speed without breaking stride. Third, that he even thought to make that throw. Speed. Balance. Presence of mind. I think that the runner, when he found the ball waiting for him, was more surprised than anybody.

On Twins outfielder and teammate Billy Beane, future Oakland Athletics General Manager

Christopher Francis "Chris" Pittaro
Minnesota Twins
From "Moneyball" by Michael Lewis

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