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197 quotes found searching on Position: OF

I don't know why ballplayers like to moon. Maybe it's the only way some of them can figure out how to express themselves.

On mooning Merv Griffin.

John William "Jay" Johnston
Philadelphia Phillies

All I want out of life is when I walk down the street people say 'There goes the greatest hitter that ever lived'.

Theodore Samuel "Ted" Williams
Boston Red Sox
HOF 1966

A ball players's got to be kept hungry to become a big-leaguer. That's why no boy from a rich family ever made the big leagues.

Joseph Paul "Joe" DiMaggio
New York Yankees
HOF 1955; a.k.a. "Joltin' Joe"

The only good thing about playing in Cleveland is you don't have to make road trips there.

Richard Alan Scheinblum
Cleveland Indians

Baseball has done more to move America in the right direction than all of the professional patriots with all their cheap words.

Monford Merrill "Monte" Irvin
New York Giants
HOF 1973; a.k.a. "Mr. Murder"

I can sit in a ballpark after a game and love looking at the field. Everybody's gone, and the ballpark is empty, and I'll sit there. I sit there and think, 'Is this as close to heaven as I'm going to get?' Or, 'If I get to heaven, will there be baseball?

Kim Braatz-Voisard
Colorado Silver Bullets

In batting practice, I don't think I hit one ball hard. It was frustrating, that bat was no good.

Bichette hit for the cycle after flinging into the stands the bat he was using for batting practice.

Alphonse Dante Bichette
Colorado Rockies

I never thought home runs were all that exciting. I still think the triple is the most exciting thing in baseball. To me, a triple is like a guy taking the ball on his 1-yard line and running 99 yards for a touchdown.

Henry Louis "Hank" Aaron
Milwaukee Braves
HOF 1982

My goals this season are to hit .300, score 100 runs, and stay injury-prone.

John Milton "Mickey" Rivers
New York Yankees

If a Latin player or even an American Negro is sick, they say it is all in the head. Felipe Alou once went to his team doctor and the doctor said, 'You don't have anything.' So he went to a private doctor and the doctor said, 'You have a broken foot.'

Roberto Clemente
Pittsburgh Pirates
HOF 1973

Contributed by: Lee Gibbs

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