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80 quotes found searching on Team: Dodgers

The Baltimore Elites had five pitchers who could pitch in any league -- ANY league. There was Robert Griffith, Andrew Porter, Bill Byrd, Jim Willis, and a left-hander, Tom Glover. I would take those five pitchers, put them right on the Dodgers, and all of those fellows would be starters in the big leagues. And that was just part of the pitching staff in the colored league when I was there.

Roy Campanella
Brooklyn Dodgers
HOF 1969; a.k.a. "Campy"

Last night I neglected to mention something that bears repeating.

While broadcasting a Seattle Mariners game

Ronald Ray "Ron" Fairly
Los Angeles Dodgers

I've had pretty good success with Stan -- by throwing him my best pitch and backing up third.

Acknowledging his problems in getting Stan Musial out

Carl Daniel Erskine
Brooklyn Dodgers

I carry this with me always. It is a constant reminder that if I were to put just a thimbleful of liquor in it, it would ignite a chemical reaction in my system that would send me to a liquor store and I would completely fall away.

Years after beating his addiction to alcohol, triumphantly explaining the thimble that he always keeps in his pocket

In 1988
Donald "Don" Newcombe
Brooklyn Dodgers
a.k.a. "Newk"

Y'know, it's a funny thing. When I pitched against the Dodgers, I didn't care if it was the last game I ever pitched. I really hated that club. If I could've gotten that feeling every time I pitched, I'd have been a lot better pitcher.

Discussing his years with the New York Giants

Salvatore Anthony "Sal" Maglie
Brooklyn Dodgers
a.k.a. "The Barber"

Jackie Robinson was more than just my teammate. He had a tremendous amount of talent, ability, and dedication. Jackie set a standard for future generations of ball players. He was a winner. Jackie Robinson was also a man.

October 31, 1989

Harold Henry "Pee Wee" Reese
Brooklyn Dodgers
HOF 1984

I’ll tell you what I think about it. I think that is very, very bad for that man to make an accusation like that. That is terrible. I have never, ever, since I’ve managed, ever told a pitcher to throw at anybody, nor will I ever, and if I ever did, I certainly wouldn’t make him throw at a (bleepin’) .130 hitter like Lefebvre, or (bleepin’) Bevacqua, who couldn’t hit water if he fell out of a (bleepin’) boat, and I guaran-(bleepin’)-tee you this, when I pitched, and I was gonna pitch against a (bleepin’) team that had guys on it like Bevacqua, I’d send a (bleepin’) limousine to get the ****sucker to make sure he was in the mother-(bleepin’) lineup because I’d kick that ****sucker’s ass any (bleepin’) day of the week. He’s a (bleepin’) mother-(bleepin’) big mouth, I’ll tell you that.

To reporters when asked about Padres IF Kurt Bevaqua’s comment following a game in which Dodgers pitcher Tom Niedenfuer was fined $500 for beaning Joe Lefebvre of the Padres, after which Bevacqua, Lefebvre’s teammate, was quoted in the papers as saying, “The guy they should have fined was the guy who ordered Niedenfuer to throw at Joe...that fat little Italian.”

July 1982
Thomas Charles "Tommy" Lasorda
Los Angeles Dodgers
HOF 1997

I don't let my mouth say nothin' my head can't stand.

Jack Roosevelt "Jackie" Robinson
Brooklyn Dodgers
Second Base
HOF 1962

Well built with good actions. This boy showed a real good fastball with good life. Has real good command of point of release. Boy has slider type of curve but could improve as he has good arm action and should be able to come up with good curve. Boy has plenty of desire to pitch and wants to beat you.

His scouting Report of eventual Hall of Fame pitcher Tom Seaver (age 20)

March 23, 1965

Thomas Charles "Tommy" Lasorda
Los Angeles Dodgers
HOF 1997

In my no-hitter I only shook Campy off once. He was doing the thinking, calling the pitches just right for every batter in every situation, and all I had to do was check the sign to see if I agreed and then throw.

Recalling his no-hitter on September 25, 1956, with Roy Campanella catching

Salvatore Anthony "Sal" Maglie
Brooklyn Dodgers
a.k.a. "The Barber"

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