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5 quotes found searching on Position: Hall of Fame Broadcaster

Sparky is the only guy I know who's written more books than he has read.

On Sparky Anderson's autobiography, They Call Me Sparky

William Earnest "Ernie" Harwell
Detroit Tigers
Hall of Fame Broadcaster

Baseball is a ballet without music. Drama without words. A carnival without kewpie dolls. Baseball is continuity. Pitch to pitch. Inning to inning. Season to season.

William Earnest "Ernie" Harwell
Detroit Tigers
Hall of Fame Broadcaster

Stee-rike three called, and he stood there like a house by the side of the road and watched it go by.

Broadcasting a strikeout with the batter looking

William Earnest "Ernie" Harwell
Detroit Tigers
Hall of Fame Broadcaster

The Tigers have just finished their 2002 season and I’ve just finished my baseball broadcasting career, and it’s time to say good-bye but I think good-byes are sad and I’d much rather say hello. Hello to a new adventure. I’m not leaving folks, I’ll still be with you, living my life in Michigan, my home state, surrounded by family and friends. And rather than good-bye, please allow me to say thank you. Thank you for letting me be part of your family. Thank you for taking me with you to that cottage up north, to the beach, the picnic, your workplace, and your back yard. Thank you for sneaking your transistor under your pillow as you grew up loving the Tigers. Now I might have been a small part of your life, but you’ve been a very large part of mine. And it’s my privilege and honor to share with you the greatest game of all. Now God has a new adventure for me and I’m ready to move on. So I leave you with a deep sense of appreciation for your longtime loyalty and support. I thank you very much, and God bless all of you.

The closing words of his final game after broadcasting major league baseball for 55 seasons, the last 42 with Detroit

William Earnest "Ernie" Harwell
Detroit Tigers
Hall of Fame Broadcaster

Ladies and gentlemen, less than six months ago we began a warm season of farewells, and with each passing day we came a little bit closer to this historic occasion. The Lions, Joe Louis, and Nelson Mandela. Six-thousand eight-hundred seventy-three regular-season games, 35 postseason contests and a trio of spectacular All-Star Games, Tiger Stadium has been home to this great game of baseball. But more than anything, it has been a cherished home to our memories. Will you remember that last base hit? The last out? How about that last pitch? Or maybe it’s the first time as a child when you saw that green, green grass that will forever be etched into your mind and soul. Tonight we say good-bye. But we will not forget. Open your eyes, look around and take a mental picture. Moments like this shall live on forever. It’s been 88 moving years at Michigan and Trumbull. The tradition built here shall endure along with the permanence of the Olde English D. But tonight we must say good-bye. Farewell, old friend Tiger Stadium. We will remember.

Farewell Speech, Final Game at Detroit's Tiger Stadium

William Earnest "Ernie" Harwell
Detroit Tigers
Hall of Fame Broadcaster

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