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12 quotes found searching on Position: OF - IF

I'd be willing to bet you, if I was a betting man, that I have never bet on baseball.

Peter Edward "Pete" Rose
Cincinnati Reds
a.k.a. "Charlie Hustle"

I haven't missed a game in two and a half years. I go to the park as sick as a dog and, when I see my uniform hanging there, I get well right now. Then I see some of you guys and I get sick again.

On the press

Peter Edward "Pete" Rose
Cincinnati Reds
a.k.a. "Charlie Hustle"

The only way you can do that is by breaking into the equipement room.

On Greg Luzinski's claim that he would steal 20 bases

Peter Edward "Pete" Rose
Cincinnati Reds
a.k.a. "Charlie Hustle"

I'm no different from anybody else with two arms, two legs, and 4200 hits.

Peter Edward "Pete" Rose
Cincinnati Reds
a.k.a. "Charlie Hustle"

With the money I'm making, I should be playing two positions.

Peter Edward "Pete" Rose
Cincinnati Reds
a.k.a. "Charlie Hustle"

When I get the record, all it will make me is the player with the most hits. I'm also the player with the most at bats and the most outs. I never said I was a greater player than Cobb.

Peter Edward "Pete" Rose
Cincinnati Reds
a.k.a. "Charlie Hustle"

When you play this game 20 years, go to bat 10,000 times, and get 3,000 hits, you know what that means? You've gone 0 for 7,000.

Peter Edward "Pete" Rose
Cincinnati Reds
a.k.a. "Charlie Hustle"

I see we're advertising casinos now. Gambling must be OK. (Commissioner Bud Selig) is going to be calling me any day now.

Upon seeing the Sun Cruz Casino billboard in left field at the Phillies spring training camp in Florida

Peter Edward "Pete" Rose
Cincinnati Reds
a.k.a. "Charlie Hustle"

I'd walk through hell in a gasoline suit to keep playing baseball.

Peter Edward "Pete" Rose
Cincinnati Reds
a.k.a. "Charlie Hustle"

I bet on my own team to win. That’s what I did in a nutshell. I was wrong, but I didn’t taint the game. I didn’t try to steal any games. I never voted against my team. I bet on my team every night because that’s the confidence that I had in my players. And I was wrong. But this is a little different. It’s a lot different, actually, and I think that’s why the commissioner came down so hard. So they fire the GM, they fire the manager, and (MLB) probably is going to get (Red Sox manager) Alex Cora, who was the (Astros) bench coach at the time. But what about the players who were behind this and taking the knowledge? Should they get off scot-free? Don’t you have to do something to the players who were accepting the stolen signs? Nothing’s been done. Is that fair?

After MLB's investigation into the 2017 and 2018 Houston Astros stealing their opponents' signals resulted in the suspension of their GM and their coach, forfeiture of draft picks, and a fine (the GM and the coach were subsequently fired by the Astros)

Note: The Commissioner's report stated that assessing discipline of individual Astros players would be difficult, because almost all Astros players had some involvement or knowledge of the scheme and the investigative record did not determine with certainty every player who should be held accountable, and impractical, given the large number of players involved and the fact that many of those players now play for other Clubs.

January 13, 2020
Peter Edward "Pete" Rose
Cincinnati Reds
a.k.a. "Charlie Hustle"

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