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1 quote found searching on Team: Highlanders

I got two strikes on the batter. He fouled them off and the catcher gave me a third pitch-out sign. He thought he'd go after a bad ball for the third strike. He didn't go for that. So the catcher came out and he says, "I'll give you the curveball sign this time." And I gave him the best curveball he ever seen and he just looked at it. And the umpire says, "Three strikes, and you're out." And I didn't know who the batter was. So the next morning I picked up a New York Journal and in the sporting page it had in big red letters, HOFF STRIKES OUT COBB. And that started me off in baseball.

Describing the beginning of his MLB career in a game against Detroit in 1911

In 1991 at the age of 100

Chester Cornelius "Red" Hoff
New York Highlanders

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