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77 quotes found searching on Location: St. Louis

Fractured, hell, the damned thing's broke!

After Cleveland outfielder Earl Averill drilled a pitch back into his foot during the 1937 All Star Game and a doctor announced gravely that the toe was fractured

Jay Hanna "Dizzy" Dean
St. Louis Cardinals
HOF 1953

The best-kept secret in all of baseball is Steve Garvey's poor pitch selection.

Noting with irony after the 1982 season when Garvey had 625 at-bats and only twenty walks, ten of them intentional

James Timothy "Tim" McCarver
St. Louis Cardinals

It's much easier to work a good hitter than a poor hitter. Poor hitters have no idea what you're going to throw to begin with, so why try to outthink them? You go after them with stuff, rather than with pitch selection. But there's beauty in working a good hitter.

James Timothy "Tim" McCarver
St. Louis Cardinals

You could at least have worked on me!

Fuming while stomping off the field after being struck out on three straight pitches

Joseph Henry "Joe" Garagiola
St. Louis Cardinals

The fact that I am such a great pitcher overshadows my wonderful work with the willow when I step up to the plate.

Jay Hanna "Dizzy" Dean
St. Louis Cardinals
HOF 1953

I waited all day for that change-up and he never threw it. Then I gave up looking for the damn thing and started looking for the fastball, and here it came.

After striking out on a change-up in his fourth at-bat of a 1964 World Series game

William DeKova "Bill" White
St. Louis Cardinals

Let's you 'n' me go fishin' up there in Novus Scofus!

Suggesting an autumn trip to Canada to his teammate Pepper Martin

In the 1930's

Jay Hanna "Dizzy" Dean
St. Louis Cardinals
HOF 1953

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