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3 quotes found searching on Dorrel Norman Elvert "Whitey" Herzog

A slick way to outfigure a person is to get him figuring you figure he's figuring you're figuring he'll figure you aren't really figuring what you want him to figure you figure.

Dorrel Norman Elvert "Whitey" Herzog
St. Louis Cardinals
HOF 2010

What do I wanna do that for? They go out to 50 people and I'm supposed to stop what I'm doing for them?

Complaining in 1980 about the fledgling cable-only ESPN sports network asking to interview him

Dorrel Norman Elvert "Whitey" Herzog
St. Louis Cardinals
HOF 2010

The only thing bad about winning the pennant is that you have to manage the All-Star Game the next year. I'd rather go fishing for three days.

Dorrel Norman Elvert "Whitey" Herzog
St. Louis Cardinals
HOF 2010

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