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5 quotes found searching on Joseph Jefferson "Shoeless Joe" Jackson

God knows I gave my best in baseball at all times and no man on earth can truthfully judge me otherwise.

Joseph Jefferson "Shoeless Joe" Jackson
Chicago White Sox
Contributed by: Lee Gibbs

Bats don't like to freeze no more than me.

On bringing his baseball bats home to South Carolina in the winter.

Joseph Jefferson "Shoeless Joe" Jackson
Chicago White Sox

What a hell of a league this is. I hit .387, .408, and .395 the last three years and I ain't won nothin' yet!

After the 1912 season, and not having won a batting championship despite his tremendous performance

Joseph Jefferson "Shoeless Joe" Jackson
Chicago White Sox

Hey mister, can you spell "shit"?

When a spectator heckled the virtually illiterate slugger, asking "Hey Jackson, can you spell 'cat'?"

Joseph Jefferson "Shoeless Joe" Jackson
Chicago White Sox
Contributed by: Lee Gibbs

It don't take school stuff to help a fella play ball.

Not able to read or write, after batting .408 in 1911, his first full season in the majors

Joseph Jefferson "Shoeless Joe" Jackson
Chicago White Sox

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