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1 quote found searching on Clinton Merrick "Clint" Hurdle

You've got to walk from that dugout knowing you're going to put a good swing on a good pitch and you're going to hit this ball hard. You walk from the dugout to the on-deck circle and every time the pitcher looks on-deck, you should be looking at him. You don't let him breathe. You let him know you're locked in on him from the time you leave the dugout. Then when you walk to the plate, you walk like you can hit. You carry the bat in a positive fashion. You have good body language. You're not beat up. You're not letting your last at-bat leak over, and you're a warrior. You're walking like a man to the plate with a job to do. And it's a one-on-one confrontation. You're going to let it all hang out right there and then. When that one's over, it's wrapped up and put away and you start getting ready for the next one.

Clinton Merrick "Clint" Hurdle
Colorado Rockies
Batting Coach

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