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1 quote found searching on Charles A. Peverelly

The game of baseball has now become, beyond question, the leading feature of the outdoor sports of the United States, and to account for its truly proud position, there are many and sufficient reasons. It is a game which is peculiarly suited to the American temperament and disposition; the nine innings are played in the brief space of two and a half hours or less. From the moment the first striker takes his position and poises his bat it has excitement and vim about it until the last hand is put out in the ninth inning. There is no delay or suspense about it from the beginning to end; and, even if one feels disposed to leave the ground, temporarily, he will generally waive this desire, especially if it is a close contest, from fear of missing some good point or clever effort of the trial. An American assemblage cannot be kept in one locality for the period of two to three hours without being offered something above the ordinary run of excitement and attraction. Wherever established, the game has quickly had the sentiment and good feeling of the community with it, and with scarcely an effort, achieved solid popularity. Having no debasing attributes and being worthy of the presence of the good and refined, it has everywhere been countenanced and encouraged by our best citizens; and, of the thousands who gather at important matches, we have always noted with sincere gratification that the ladies constituted an honored proportion.

In 1866
Charles A. Peverelly
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American Author

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