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1 quote found searching on Anthony Richard "Tony" Conigliaro

The ball came sailing right toward my chin; normally a hitter can jerk his head back a fraction and the ball will buzz by. But this pitch seemed to follow me in. I know I didn't freeze. I definitely made a move to get out of the way of the ball. In fact, I jerked my head back so hard that my helmet flipped off just before impact. When the ball was about four feet from my head I knew it would get me. And I knew it would hurt because Hamilton was such a hard thrower. I was frightened. I threw my hands up in front of my face and saw the ball follow me back and hit me square on the left side of the head. As soon as it crunched into me, it felt as if the ball would go in one side of my head and come out the other; my legs gave way and I went down like a sack of potatoes. Just before everything went dark I saw the ball bounce straight down on home plate. It was the last thing I saw for several days.

Describing a tragic beanball thrown by Angels pitcher Jack Hamilton on 8/18/1967 (a doctor later told Conigliaro that had the pitch been two inches higher, he would have been dead)

Anthony Richard "Tony" Conigliaro
Boston Red Sox

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