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1 quote found searching on Robert Earl "Bob" Short

No one can keep me in Washington, not Nixon, not Cronin, not Kuhn. I will cannibalize the club if necessary. I own it and I will take it to St. Paul if I want. I have lawyers too. I will move wherever I want. Congress will not help me because of your position. I don't give a goddam if they stick you with the antitrust laws. I'll go to St. Paul, Dallas or Toronto. Goldberg is my lawyer and I'll go the whole goddam distance with you. Hoffberger is a genious. Let him figure it out. Or let Walter O'Malley and his National League friends help out. No place in Washington is safe at night and Nixon can't do anything about it. I may sell Ted Williams to Boston or Knowles, or Howard or Epstein. Ted says Washington is a horseshit town and I've gotta get out. I'll go elsewhere before I'm forced into bankruptcy like Seattle. I know I had my eyes wide open when I went to Washington, but I told the American League I wouldn't keep it there forever. If we're to save Washington, everybody has to give something: me, the players, TV and the federal government. Even the Humphrey Democrats are now hitting me. Maybe things will work out in a Cinderella way, but that's not likely.

To Baseball Commissioner Bowie Kuhn in a discussion about moving the Washington Senators to Arlington, TX

April, 1971
Robert Earl "Bob" Short
Washington Senators

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