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3 quotes found searching on Joseph Vincent "Joe" McCarthy

The kid is the greatest proof of reincarnation. Nobody could get that stupid in one lifetime.

After a player was thrown out trying to steal home with one out

Joseph Vincent "Joe" McCarthy
New York Yankees
HOF 1957

I'll never know.

When asked by a reporter of CF Joe DiMaggio's bunting prowess

Joseph Vincent "Joe" McCarthy
New York Yankees
HOF 1957

(Yankees pitcher Johnny) Broaca starts pitching to (Red Sox IF Joe) Cronin and he's not coming close to the plate. I couldn't believe it -- he's walking Cronin to get to (Red Sox 1B Jimmy) Foxx. I yelled out to (Yankees catcher) Bill Dickey, "What the hell's going on?" Bill just shrugged. There wasn't anything we could do about it. And Broaca was pitching such a good game I couldn't take him out. So Foxx comes up and now the tying run is on second. And Jimmy laid into one. He hit it into deep center field, as far as any ball I ever saw hit in Yankee Stadium that wasn't a home run. (Yankees CF Joe) DiMaggio went out there and caught it. It didn't miss by much from going into the bleachers in dead center. DiMaggio caught it and the game was over.

Broaca later said he was afraid of Cronin but knew he could get Foxx, one of the most feared hitters in baseball, despite the huge risk

Joseph Vincent "Joe" McCarthy
New York Yankees
HOF 1957

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