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197 quotes found searching on Position: OF

Now I know why they boo Richie all the time. When he hits a home run, there's no souvenir.

Impressed after watching Dick Allen launch a home run that cleared two-deck Connie Mack Stadium

Wilver Dornel "Willie" Stargell
Pittsburgh Pirates
HOF 1988

Never let the fear of striking out keep you from swinging.

George Herman "Babe" Ruth
New York Yankees
HOF 1936

The curve and the fast one are important; the change of pace and the other trick deliveries are great but they're not worth a plugged nickel unless you have control to go along with them. And by control I don't mean the ability to put the ball over the plate somewhere between the shoulders and knees. I mean the ability to hit a three-inch target nine times out of ten, the sort of control that lets you put the ball in the exact spot you want it, and to play a corner to the split fraction of an inch.

Speaking as a ballplayer who broke into the Majors as a pitcher

George Herman "Babe" Ruth
New York Yankees
HOF 1936

You're going to have good times in baseball and have bad times. You can't let the bad make you bitter.

Gary Sheffield
Los Angeles Dodgers

Baseball is life, life is baseball!

Tim Salmon
Anaheim Angels
Contributed by: Dickey

Baseball doesn't owe me a thing. I owe my whole life to baseball.

Kirby Puckett
Minnesota Twins
HOF 2001

I believe we owe something to the people who watch us. When we don't try 100%, we steal from them.

Roberto Clemente
Pittsburgh Pirates
HOF 1973

It's like we're in 'The National League playoffs starring the Chicago Cubs. Also with the San Diego Padres.'

Poking fun at the overwhelming media attention being focused on the Cubs, virtually never seen in the post-season, during the 1984 NLCS

Anthony Keith "Tony" Gwynn
San Diego Padres
HOF 2007

A good leadoff man sets the tone of the game. He sets the table, as I call it, and also can arrange the way the other players sit at the table. He jump-starts things, is an igniter. You usually can't rattle a leadoff guy.

Louis Clark "Lou" Brock
St. Louis Cardinals
HOF 1985

I want all the kids to do what I do, to look up to me. I want all the kids to copulate me.

On being a role model (with some misused language)

Andre Dawson
Chicago Cubs
HOF 2010

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