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44 quotes found searching on Team: Phillies

Hell, no. If I could have cut that hit into singles, I'd lead the whole damn league.

Upon being congratulated after hitting a tremendous home run in St. Louis, with Mike Donlin, then with the Cardinals, telling him, "That's one you can be proud of, Ed."

Edward James "Ed" Delahanty
Philadelphia Phillies
HOF 1945; a.k.a. "Big Ed"

Wasn't that curious? As long as I was on the staff with him, in a sense competing with him, he wouldn't tell me that I was tipping my curve.

On pitcher Schoolboy Rowe who was Roberts' teammate for two years and, only upon Rowe's retirement from baseball, telling Roberts that he was giving his curveball away

After the 1949 season
Robin Evan Roberts
Philadelphia Phillies
HOF 1976

Even Napoleon had his Watergate.

Commenting on his team's ten-game losing streak

Daniel Leonard "Danny" Ozark
Philadelphia Phillies

In the long history of organized baseball, I stand unparalleled for putting Christianity into practice.

After giving up a record 46 home runs in 1956

Robin Evan Roberts
Philadelphia Phillies
HOF 1976

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