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7 quotes found searching on Position: Coach

I managed a team that was so bad we considered a 2-0 count on the batter a rally.

On managing in the minors

Rich Donnelly
Pittsburgh Pirates

Everyone keeps me telling me how great a knee replacement is. Whitey Ford said it was great and so did Ralph Branca. If I had one of those, I don't know that I would retire. But if I left for a month or more, who's going to want me back?

As interim manager of the Yankees during the 1999 season

Donald William Zimmer
New York Yankees

I was sitting in the back room by myself when someone came in and said, "Mr. Zimmer, I have to take you down to the make up room." I told them that if anyone can help this face they deserve a bonus.

About his appearance on the television show, Late Night with David Letterman.

Donald William Zimmer
New York Yankees

My house is only 21 miles from the park. I've already told my wife, 'When he comes to bat, keep the dogs in and stay out of the pool.'

On Mark McGwire hitting at BankOne Ballpark

Rich Donnelly
Pittsburgh Pirates

One hundred ten thousand ears in this ballpark, and he's got to hit my ear.

After being struck on the side of the head by a line foul into the Yankee dugout during the 1999 Division Series

Donald William Zimmer
New York Yankees

This new baseball is like a golf ball. I think there are going to be a lot more dents put in the wall at Fenway Park this year.

Spring, 1977
Donald William Zimmer
New York Yankees

It’s only baseball!!

Encouraging words to former catcher Scott Hatteberg as he was fielding a one-hop throw from across the infield while learning to play first base

Spring 2002

Ronald "Ron" Washington
Oakland Athletics
a.k.a. “Sweeet”

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