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71 quotes found searching on Location: Boston

I don't know where my speed came from. I wasn't any bigger or stronger-looking then than I am now. I always could throw hard, and once I saw I was able to get batters out, I figured I was crazy enough to play ball for a living. My father was a criminal lawyer in Kansas, and before that out in Ouray, Colorado, where I first played ball, and my brother went to law school and got a degree, but I didn't even graduate from high school. I ate and slept baseball all my life. (But) I don't think there was ever anybody faster than Walter. Walter Johnson was a great big sort of a pitcher, with hands that came clear down to his knees. Why, the way he threw the ball, the only reason anybody ever got even a foul off him was because everybody in the league knew he'd never come inside to a batter. Walter Johnson was a prince of men -- a gentleman first, last and always.

June, 1981 (at age 91)
Howard Ellsworth "Smoky Joe" Wood
Boston Red Sox

You could have knocked the bat out of my hand with a straw when I saw the Cardinals break out their tricky shift the first time I came up. I never expected it. The Cards had said they weren't going to try any funny defense on me. Boy, did they pull a fast one....I did get a kick out of one thing. I got a single to right field over the third baseman's head. Brother, that's one for the books. (And) I don't know what the reaction was among the Cardinals when I laid down that bunt...with the wind blowing in and nobody covering third base, I thought it was the only thing I could do. If the Cardinals wish to play me that way the rest of the Series, it's OK by me.

During the 1946 World Series

Theodore Samuel "Ted" Williams
Boston Red Sox
HOF 1966

There sure is a lot of bullshit going on in here today. The older they get, the better they were when they were younger.

At an Old-Timers Day event

John Franklin "Johnny" Sain
Boston Braves

A man who is not willing to work from dewy morn until weary eve should not think about becoming a pitcher.

In 1908

Denton True "Cy" Young
Boston Red Sox
HOF 1937 ("Cy" = short for "Cyclone")

My favorite pitch was a whistler right under the chin.

Denton True "Cy" Young
Boston Red Sox
HOF 1937 ("Cy" = short for "Cyclone")

If I were a Tibetan priest and ate everything perfect, maybe I'd live to be 105. The way I'm going now, I'll probably only make it to 102. I'll give away three years to beer.

William Francis "Bill" Lee
Boston Red Sox
a.k.a. "Spaceman"

In box with left leg and all weight on it. Nothing on the front leg. WAIT. Stay back. Relax.

A note pinned up in Yaz's locker as noticed by a reporter a few days before he retired -- after almost 12,000 at-bats, Yaz still reminding himself how to hit

Carl Michael Yastrzemski
Boston Red Sox
HOF 1989; a.k.a., "Yaz"

I loved the game. I loved the competition, but I never enjoyed it. It was all hard work, all the time. I let the game dominate me. It even got harder as I got older, because I had more to prove.

In 1983, late in his 23rd and final summer as a MLB player

Carl Michael Yastrzemski
Boston Red Sox
HOF 1989; a.k.a., "Yaz"

A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results.

Wade Anthony Boggs
Boston Red Sox
HOF 2005

I don't see why they had to boo him. It was not the dear boy's fault...I should have ducked.

Spoken from her hospital bed after being hit in the head with a bat thrown by a frustrated Ted Williams who had just struck out and hurled it, inadvertently in the general direction of the box seats

During the 1958 season

Gladys Heffernan
Boston Red Sox
GM Joe Cronin's elderly housekeeper

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