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296 quotes found searching on Location: New York

What the hell is wrong with him now?

To his wife when she said she had taken their son Tim to see "Dr. Zhivago"

Lawrence Peter "Yogi" Berra
New York Yankees
Catcher - OF
HOF 1972

You gotta call a blacksmith.

When Billy Martin locked his keys in the car

Lawrence Peter "Yogi" Berra
New York Yankees
Catcher - OF
HOF 1972

If anybody needs me, I'm in my room being embalmed.

When managing the 1962 New York Mets, after a long flight that delivered the team to their road hotel at dawn

Charles Dillon "Casey" Stengel
New York Yankees
HOF 1966

Anybody who can't hear the difference between a ball hitting wood and a ball hitting concrete must be blind.

Arguing with an umpire that a drive to the outfield hit the concrete part of the wall (above the "home run line") and should have been a home run instead of a double

Lawrence Peter "Yogi" Berra
New York Yankees
Catcher - OF
HOF 1972

What a house -- nothin' but rooms!

Describing his new house in Montclair, NJ

Lawrence Peter "Yogi" Berra
New York Yankees
Catcher - OF
HOF 1972

After I won 21 games, I said, "This isn't that hard actually. I can do this every year for maybe 10, 15 years." To tell you the truth I thought I was going to be in the Hall of Fame. I really thought that. You feel so strong, so powerful walking down the street. You know you can throw a ball harder than any man in the world, or certainly the top five. Sandy Koufax knocked all of us out of the box on that one, so we would think, "I'm the second or third hardest thrower in the game."

James Alan "Jim" Bouton
New York Yankees

I know he's got 700-something home runs. I'll have to see a tape.

Finally learning his baseball history, on the topic of Hank Aaron and his home run record

Alfonso Guilleard Soriano
New York Yankees

Eddie Stanky was our manager. I said, "Eddie, I'd like to play more. You need power and I can help." But he said, "Moose, it's my prerogative." I'd never heard that word, so I had to accept it. I still don't know what it means.

In 2003, reflecting on the 1966 and 1967 seasons during his tenure with the Chicago White Sox

Bill "Moose" Skowron
New York Yankees

Ruth was being ridden by the Cubs the entire series and he would ride them right back. At the time, I did think Babe was pointing to the bleachers, but (shortstop) Frank Crosetti told me no, he put up one finger to indicate he had another strike coming. Babe never denied that he was pointing to the stands. Still it was quite extraordinary to see him point, then hit the very next pitch out of the ballpark. With my salary and a half-share in the World Series, it amounted to about $10,000. That was the depths of the Depression. I thought I was the richest man in the world and I think I damn near was.

Recalling the 1932 World Series and Babe Ruth's controversial "called shot" home run

In 2003 at age 93
Charlie Devens
New York Yankees

Everyone asks how I felt before the perfect game. You never feel bad when you're in the World Series. You've got all winter to rest.

Discussing his perfect game in the 1956 World Series

Don James Larsen
New York Yankees

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