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297 quotes found searching on Location: New York

What's everyone blaming me for? Blame Felix. I wouldn't have hit into the double plays if he hadn't hit singles.

When playing for the Mets, after bouncing into four double plays in one game, each time wiping out Felix Millan, who batted in front of him and went 4-for-4

In 1975
Joseph Paul "Joe" Torre
New York Yankees
HOF 2014

Why pitch nine innings when you can get just as famous pitching two?

Albert Walter "Sparky" Lyle
New York Yankees
Relief Pitcher

All relations and immediate friends are well informed that I desire to be buried in my baseball suit, and wrapped in the original flag of the old Knickerbockers of 1845, now festooned over my bureau.

James Whyte "Too Late" Davis
New York Knickerbockers

I played with Willie Mays, and against Hank Aaron. They were tremendous players, but they were no Josh Gibson.

Monford Merrill "Monte" Irvin
New York Giants
HOF 1973; a.k.a. "Mr. Murder"

One rule I had was make your best pitch and back up third base. That relay might get away and you've got another shot at him.

Vernon Louis "Lefty" Gomez
New York Yankees
HOF 1972

Never let a pitcher who lost a tough game that afternoon be your driver that night. The fellow gets beaten 2 to 1 or 1 to 0. Maybe somebody booted one and cost him the ball game. Maybe the umpire missed a strike on him, or maybe somebody popped up with a chance to win the game. The pitcher gets behind that wheel and he gets brooding over what happened that afternoon. Life doesn't mean anything to him, his or the lives of the guys riding with him. He takes curves at fifty miles an hour and tries to run trucks off the road. What does he care? He just lost a tough ball game.

Recalling life in the minor leagues when driving to another town during the evening was often how groups of team members got to their game the next day

Charles Dillon "Casey" Stengel
New York Yankees
HOF 1966

"Baseball For Everyone" by Joe DiMaggio (1948)

In the matter of gloves, it is up to the player himself to provide himself with a mitt which he can handle comfortably and deftly. Hank Greenberg played first base for Detroit with a glove so large that rival managers called it the "crab net," and there was even some talk of protesting to the league that it was illegal. Yet when Greenberg went to the outfield for the Tigers and Rudy York played first, York wore a glove that looked hardly larger than the mitten used by the motorman of a trolley car.

Joseph Paul "Joe" DiMaggio
New York Yankees
HOF 1955; a.k.a. "Joltin' Joe"

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