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40 quotes found searching on Location: Oakland

He's been very talkative. But it is usually under oath.

On Chicago White Sox outfielder Albert Belle

Sandy Alderson
Oakland Athletics
General Manager

It took eight hours, seven and half to find the heart.

Commenting on Charlie Finley's (owner of the Athletics) heart surgery

Steven Earl McCatty
Oakland Athletics

Fans don't boo nobodies.

Reginald Martinez "Reggie" Jackson
Oakland Athletics
HOF 1993; a.k.a. "Mr. October"

Ryan is the only guy who puts fear in me. Not because he can get you out but because he can kill you.

On Nolan Ryan

Reginald Martinez "Reggie" Jackson
Oakland Athletics
HOF 1993; a.k.a. "Mr. October"

You just hope to mix in a walk so you could have a good night and go 0-for-3.

On Nolan Ryan

Reginald Martinez "Reggie" Jackson
Oakland Athletics
HOF 1993; a.k.a. "Mr. October"

I plead guilty to assigning Jay Johnstone and Jim Piersall as roommates. It was an easy decision. I didn't want to screw up two rooms.

William Joseph Rigney
Oakland Athletics
Contributed by: Lee Gibbs

Neil Armstrong brought him back from the moon.

When asked how OF Jay Johnstone ended up in Oakland

William Joseph Rigney
Oakland Athletics

I always wanted to be a player, but I never had the talent to make the big leagues. So I did the next best thing. I bought a team.

Charlie Finley
Oakland Athletics

The only way I'm going to get a Gold Glove is with a can of spray paint.

Reginald Martinez "Reggie" Jackson
Oakland Athletics
HOF 1993; a.k.a. "Mr. October"

I was missing by about 10 mph.

On going 0 for 4 against Cleveland's Bartolo Colon's 98 mph fastball.

Ben Grieve
Oakland Athletics

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