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77 quotes found searching on Location: St. Louis

People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring.

Rogers Hornsby
St. Louis Cardinals
Second Base, Manager

I do not consciously feel any thrill out of a good play or a winning hit.

Stanley Frank "Stan The Man" Musial
St. Louis Cardinals
First Base
HOF 1969

He seemed to have an obligation to hit.

On Pete Rose

Louis Clark "Lou" Brock
St. Louis Cardinals
HOF 1985

It ain't braggin' if you go out and do it.

Jay Hanna "Dizzy" Dean
St. Louis Cardinals
HOF 1953

Your Holiness, I'm Joseph Medwick. I, too, used to be a Cardinal.

When asked by the Pope, during a WWII visit to the Vatican by US servicemen, about his vocation in civilian life

Joseph Michael "Ducky" Medwick
St. Louis Cardinals
HOF 1968

Bob Gibson is the luckiest pitcher I ever saw. He always pitches when the other team doesn't score any runs.

James Timothy "Tim" McCarver
St. Louis Cardinals

I'd rather him pitch a crucial game for me drunk than anyone I've ever known sober. He was that good.

On Grover Cleveland Alexander

Rogers Hornsby
St. Louis Cardinals
Second Base, Manager

Hit it on the dry side.

On how to handle the spitter

Stanley Frank "Stan The Man" Musial
St. Louis Cardinals
First Base
HOF 1969

Everyobody thinks of baseball as a sacred cow. When you have the verve to challenge it, people look down thier noses at you. There are a lot of things wrong with a lot of is one of them.

Curtis Charles "Curt" Flood
St. Louis Cardinals

I'd rather ride the buses managing in Triple A than be a lawyer.

Anthony "Tony" LaRussa
St. Louis Cardinals
HOF 2014

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