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2 quotes found searching on Marty Scott

During that time I had to personally release several hundred players, tell several hundred human beings that the dream they'd had since they were little was over, so go clean out your locker. Some of them cry when they get the news, some of them yell, some of them would sit numb in my office like they were in a coma. It's the hardest thing any baseball man has to do: release a player. But I'd always do it personally. You have to be a man about it.

On his ten years as minor league operations director

Marty Scott
Texas Rangers
Director of Minor League Operations
Contributed by: Lee Gibbs

There isn't one of those players I wouldn't trade places with...because they don't realize there's nothing like playing.

On the beauty of being able to put on a uniform and play

Marty Scott
Texas Rangers
Director of Minor League Operations

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